Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Tarot Spread: The Princes in the Tower


This reading shall be a little different than normal. Not only am I looking into a mystery that is over five hundred years old, but I shall look at astrology using

The Princes in the Tower is one of the England's most fascinating mysteries. It could also be considered England's oldest missing persons case. Ever since I was a small child I have adored history. As I have also been annoyed at mysteries I cannot solve, I spent hours pouring over my theories regarding the two boys.

Writing a full summary of the two Princes would take far too long, so I have to assume that you already know their history. If not, I recommend these websites.

1.       Page of Pentacles, reversed. Prodigality, liberality, luxury, unfavorable news, closing yourself off from others.

Could the unfavorable news that is mentioned be that knowledge that the boys were illegitimate? By medieval standards at any rate; King Edward IV had been engaged to somebody else by the time that he married Elizabeth Woodville, the boys’ mother. Engagement was considered just as important as marriage in those days.

Pages also refer to children and the two princes would have been considered to be children both then and now. The Page of Pentacles also covers the period between March 21st and June 20th. King Edward IV died on April 9th 1483, Prince Edward arrived at the Tower on May 19th and was joined by Prince Richard on June 16th. Not only are these important dates in the timeline, but they are the three events (prior to the boys being declared illegitimate) that definitely happened.

2.       Ace of Cups, reversed.  House of the false heart, instability, revolution, loss of love, feeling unhappy, feeling unloved.

The revolution mentioned here might have been a fear of revolution against Richard III. I am certain that the boys would not have wished to take part in any way. They were just children, after all. Any ‘caretakers’ that might have been responsible for them while they were in the Tower might have lied to them or even plotted against them.

The Ace of Cups covers the period between September 23rd and December 20th. There was an initial uprising in September 1483, although I am not sure of the exact date. Most people who believe that the princes were murdered suggest September or November 1483. But remember, the Tarot picks up on anything that surrounds the Querent – the Princes – and this includes rumors.

3.       Eight of Cups, reversed. Questioning your decision not to leave, not being able to move on, fear of the unknown. Travelers, night shift workers, solitary workers, maintenance workers.

Keep in mind that ‘night shift workers’ and ‘maintenance workers’ would not have been referred to as such in the fifteenth century. The card shows something walking away from the Cups that are depicted. Perhaps the boys wished to leave the Tower. There would have been advantages to this; if the boys’ enemies did not know where they were then they would be safe, even if it meant rumors of their deaths.

Guards who worked during the night might have been involved somehow. It makes the most sense to smuggle the boys out at night, whether this was on the orders of Elizabeth Woodville or someone else. Something of note is that Elizabeth Woodville had her daughters sent into Richard III’s care in spring 1484, which would have kept them safe, especially since her eldest daughter would marry Henry Tudor if he took the throne (which she did). Why would she do this if she believed that her sons were dead? True, females had a slightly weaker claim to the throne than their male relatives, but they would still have been seen as threats to Richard III if they opposed him.

The most likely answer is that she knew what had happened to her sons.

4.       The Emperor. Stability, power, protection, aid, reason, authority, responsibility.

It seems as if the boys – or whoever was looking after them – had to work with power, either for or against them. SOMEONE wished to protect the boys.

The Emperor can be seen as fathers, senior politicians, heads of family or heads of state. Richard III would have fit three of these four categories. Some people believe that King Richard had the boys – or at the very least Prince Richard, as his older brother had been ill when he was housed at the Tower – hidden away, due to the fact that they might have been illegitimate but considered a threat nonetheless and planned to announce their survival once he had defeated Henry Tudor.

Of course, this did not happen, but if Henry Tudor had known that the two children were alive then he would have targeted them. This is something we tend to forget due to Tudor propaganda.

If King Richard HAD ordered the boys’ deaths then I believe that this card would have been reversed. But as this is not the case – and I believed anyway that he had no reason to wish them dead if they had been declared illegitimate – I swing towards this theory.

5.       Three of Pentacles. Work, a new job or career, trade, skilled labor, gifts, legacy, inheritance. Architects, builders, bricklayers and stonemasons, master craftsmen, carpenters.

The message of this card is that to reach success then you must take action.

Someone managed to get the boys out of the Tower. The passage could have been paid for – or helped by – a merchant or a laborer. The card shows a stone building, which reminds me somewhat of a church or perhaps even the Tower itself. Could someone from the church have offered to hide the boys? Before Henry VIII and the Dissolution of the Monasteries, the Catholic Church had a lot of power and was considered second only to the king. If word had somehow got out that the boys were being hidden by the church then if someone tried to kill them, they would at best have been seen as a fool, or at worst a menace that had to be punished by execution in public.

Being in the church also makes sense if you know anything about Welsh history. In 1282 AD Princess Gwenllian of Wales was just an infant when her father, the last king of Wales, was defeated in battle by Edward I of England. She was placed in a nunnery in Lincolnshire – as were her female cousins – so that she would never marry and therefore would no longer be a threat. Perhaps something similar happened with the Princes in the Tower.

(Something I would like to mention is that although I am now a Wiccan, I was brought up a Catholic. Attitudes have changed in the 500 years since, but I still respect the religion of my ancestors and if I see any horrid comments, I will not tolerate them.)

This card also covers any time that Mars is in Capricorn. I had to do some research, but I think that the next time that Mars was in Capricorn was between 6th February and 17th March 1484. It might be possible that someone managed to get the boys to safety during this time.

6.       King of Swords. Something rises from judgement. Power, command, low, offices of the crown, authority, intellectual but enigmatic, trustworthy and reliable.

The princes had some power and command when they were last known to be alive, in the summer of 1483. The fact that this card is of a king suggests that these two children gained power somehow. Could this possibly be in the church, under false names? Or even abroad?

This card covers any time that Venus is in Cancer. Venus was in Cancer between 19th May and 12th June 1484. The sixth card covers the future, so we need to keep that in mind.

7.       Two of Cups, reversed. Separation, the end of a relationship, arguments, distrust, business deals gone awry.

The seventh card represents the Querent, so I believe that this might have been a reminder that the boys did not trust anyone. This card can also signify friendships and caregivers. Were they afraid of the people who were looking after them? If so, were they right? Something of interest is that this card covers the period between June 21st and July 1st, during which point they would have been declared illegitimate. The arguments mentioned might have been whether the boys were legitimate, or whether they still posed a threat.

8.       Eight of Swords. Fear of failure, bad luck, being held back, unforeseen obstructions, being outmaneuvered, being outplayed.

This card represents the environment around the Querent, or in this case Querents. I am not sure if this is what definitely happened to the brothers – the Tarot can never provide definite answers – although I personally believe that this could represent their worries, or even the worries of those looking after them.

Something else that I think is interesting is that this card also covers anytime that Jupiter is in Gemini. Jupiter entered Gemini was on 1st May 1491; eight years after the boys were last seen. Could it be possible that the brothers managed to outlive King Richard? The King of Swords also rules the Eight of Swords, so their environment links to what they wanted to work towards.

9.       Four of Wands, reversed. Obstacles causing delay, disruptions, problems at home, mishaps and small accidents.

The ninth card links with the Querents’ hopes and fears. The problems at home could be a reference to the brothers’ living situation. The disruptions might have been that their whereabouts had to stay secret due to the constant fighting. The card shows two young people underneath a banner outside of castle walls, so I truly believe that they somehow managed to get out of the Tower, although whether before or after Richard III died in battle I am not sure.

This card also covers any time that Venus is in Aries. Venus was in Aries between 8th March and 31st March 1484. Maybe they left the Tower during this period?

10.   King of Pentacles, reversed. An old and vicious man, an exploiter or harsh employer, weakness, perversion, corruption, opinionated, cruel, wasteful, greed.

The last card indicates the overall outcome and is the most important card of the reading. If this card had represented King Richard then I believe that it would have been listed as the obstacle (the second card in the reading). In addition, as King Richard died when he was 32 years old, the ‘old and vicious man’ could mean Henry Tudor, who died in 1509 aged 52, which would have been considered old by the standards of the day.

This card covers the period between 12th August and 11th September, which includes the date of the Battle of Bosworth Field (22nd August 1485 AD). King Henry was certainly a greedy man, as he hoarded vast amounts of money (his son Henry VIII would go on to waste all of this attempting to conquer France and Scotland). When Henry Tudor became king, he asked a fortune-teller where they would spend Christmas. When the fortune-teller replied that they would be at home, Henry Tudor called them a fraud and said that they would spend Christmas in prison as he would have them locked up. Henry Tudor was not a very nice man, despite all of the Tudor propaganda.

I think back to the eighth card, with Jupiter in Gemini. If the brothers’ ‘atmosphere’ came to an end sometime after the beginning of May 1491, then it must be sometime after this that Henry VII learnt that they were alive. Whether or not they would have been abroad or in the church, they still remained a threat. Jupiter began to enter Cancer on 15th May 1492 and Venus entered Cancer four days later – remember, ‘something rises from judgement’.

If Henry VII learned that the brothers were still alive during this time period then it would have spelt danger for them. Either way, something important happened to the brothers if they were still alive in 1491.

Nevertheless, considering the treacherous world that the Princes lived in, surviving for at least eight years after everyone said they had died is quite impressive. Or perhaps it was even later. If the King of Pentacles refers to an old man (Henry VII turned fifty in January 1507) and the hopes and fears of the boys is connected to a time when Venus is in Aries, the boys could have been alive as early as 5th May 1507 (at which point they would have been 37 and 34).

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Tarot Spread: Ann Marie Burr


I have always been fifty-fifty on whether Ted Bundy took little Ann Marie. He lived close by and he seemed to have known her family, although how well he knew them is up for debate. But he was just fourteen years old when she went missing. As tragic as it is for a child to go missing, people do not wish to think about a child being murdered by another youngster.

The information below is piled from the Charley Project.

Ann Marie was last seen in her home in the 3000 block of north 14th Street in Tacoma, Washington on August 31, 1961. She shared her bedroom with her three-year-old sister, who had a broken arm at the time. In the middle of the night, Ann Marie brought her sister to their parents' room because the younger girl's cast was bothering her and she was crying. Their parents told them to go back to bed. Ann Marie has never been heard from again.

Ann Marie's mother got up at 5:30 a.m. and discovered her daughter was missing. The front door had been locked and chained the evening before, but Ann Marie's mother found it unlocked from the inside and open.

There was a small living room window they had kept open a few inches, and in the morning it was found opened wider, with a piece of red thread stuck in the jam. A garden bench had been taken from behind the house and put in front of the window.

A faint footprint was found outside the open window. It had been distorted by the previous night's heavy rainstorm, but authorities believe it was from a Keds sneaker, size 6 or 7. A small man or a teenager would have feet that size. A similar footprint was found in the back of the house by the basement window.

There was no sign of Ann Marie anywhere and no sign of a struggle in her bedroom. Her sister and her two brothers who slept in the basement had not been disturbed, but the family's dog had barked that night. Ann Marie's parents had heard it and assumed it was scared of the storm. Neighbors reported that in the days prior to Ann Marie's disappearance, they had seen someone in their yard, peering into their windows, but they couldn't describe the person.

1.       Queen of Pentacles, reversed. Narrow-minded, selfish, immoral, greedy, insecure, mistrust.

This first card indicates that Ann trusted someone and they betrayed her. While I do consider Bundy to be a strong suspect from what we know about him, I think of Robert Bruzas. It has not been confirmed how well Bundy knew Ann’s family, while Robert Bruzas lived just two doors down from the Burrs. Either way, Ann knew her killer. Something that sticks out to me is that the Queen of Pentacles covers the period between December 13th and January 9th, which includes Ann’s birthday.


2.       Ten of Cups, reversed. Discord at home, sorrow, disruptions to family life, a child leaving home.

This card could have referred to Ann’s abduction, but it might be talking about her life at home. She faced sorrow, which may have come from trusting the wrong person.


3.       Five of Wands. Unrest, unease, being challenged, a sham fight, brainstorming, problem solving, sexual arousal, young men hanging out together.

A rather troubling card for this reading. There may have been a fight. Perhaps the wool had been pulled from Ann’s eyes and she saw that the person she trusted was cruel. Or maybe she was tired and wanted to go home. Either way, she had become unhappy.


4.       The Empress. Fruitfulness, doubt, ignorance. Solving problems creatively. Mothers, homemakers.

Could the ignorance mean that her killer was overlooked, possibly during the initial search? Perhaps people did not want to believe that he was responsible. This could mean one of two things. That her killer was someone in her family or inner circle, or that he was quite young. Considering the suspects, I believe that it is a combination of the two. There is a forest depicted in the card, alongside a river.


5.       Page of Pentacles. A student or undergraduate, apprentice, school friend, youngster, projects involving research or study. A young male with dark hair and possibly brown eyes.

While I do not wish to be judgemental whenever I read the Tarot, all signs DEFINITELY seem to point to Bundy, especially as the fifth card represents what the Querent – Ann – is currently moving through. Remember that the Tarot is not limited by the boundaries of time, so ‘current’ or ‘present’ in this case mean what happened to her after she was kidnapped from her room.


6.       Six of Swords. Journey by water, route, way, relocation, successfully navigating a difficult period.

I wonder if this card – as the sixth card suggests the future – might mean that Ann will be found, despite the odds. I wonder if her body was thrown into the bay or some other body of water. There are also islands in the card, which make me think of the bay.


7.       Ten of Pentacles. Abundance, wealth, family stability, prosperity, treasures found, family loyalty. Historians, genealogists, home builders, homemakers.

I think that this card also shows promise when it comes to finding Ann. It seems as if people from the Tacoma area may decide to look back on what they know and try another direction. The ‘treasure’ that may be found could be Ann.


8.       High Priestess. Secrets, mystery, a future unrevealed, silence, wisdom, science, morality.

There is a ‘B’ and a ‘J’ on the two pillars either side of the High Priestess. I truly think that the evidence is piling up against Bundy. This card represents the environment around the Querent, so with the information gathered from the Page of Pentacles, I am confident in saying that Bundy was responsible. As this card indicates things that are not yet revealed, I think that advances in science might be able to identify Ann, if her body or partial remains have already been found, or help to detect her body.


9.       Ace of Cups. Joy, content, happiness, abundance, love in its purest sense.

The ninth card signifies the Querent’s hopes and fears. She must want her family to be able to feel joy again. She clearly loves them very much. The card shows water pouring out from a cup and into a body of water with lily pads. Maybe Ann is not in the bay at all, but in a pond or lake. A quick search on Google Maps shows that a pond in Wright Park, less than half an hours’ walk away from Ann’s house, has islands in the middle. Could it truly be possible that Ann or some other evidence is inside the lake? Now, I am not suggesting that we go out and drench the pond, but it is something to think about.


10.   Knight of Pentacles, reversed. Illness, stagnation, carelessness, missed or withdrawn opportunities, neglecting responsibilities, heavy handed.

I get the feeling from this card that some people think that it is not worth looking at this case and that her body can never be found. This is not the case. It is possible to find Ann’s body. Whether or not I am right and she is in the pond in Wright Park, I think that she can be brought home.

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Tarot Spread: Desiree Carroll


The information below is piled from the Charley Project.

Desiree was last seen near her family's residence a few miles southwest of Kosse, Texas on March 25, 1983. She resided with her mother and older sister. Her parents had been divorced for about two years and the mother had custody, but the children's father saw them regularly. He last saw Desiree about two weeks before she went missing.

Desiree's mother stated she dropped the children off at the lane leading to their house at 1:00 p.m., then drove away in her pickup truck. Desiree's older sister walked to the house and Desiree followed the truck. She disappeared a short time afterwards and has never been heard from again.

Desiree's home in 1983 was in a rural, heavily wooded area. Extensive searches in the woods turned up no sign of her. Her case remains unsolved and she is presumed to have been abducted by a non-family member.

There is only one photograph available of this girl. This implies that either the family could not afford to buy film or have photographs developed, or that they did not love the child. I do not want to point fingers, but it does puzzle me all the same.

The problem with Desiree’s case is that there is very little information to go on. However, I will do my very best with this reading.

1.       Seven of Wands, reversed. Feeling daunted, losing your nerve, suffering losses, having an accident. Bodyguards, nightclub doormen, public defenders.

The figure in this card appears angry, as if he is not satisfied with his lot. The loss could mean Desiree being separated from her family, although whether this card indicates Desiree or her loved ones I am not certain.


2.       Nine of Swords, reversed. Prolonged anxiety, going over old ground, mental exhaustion, seeing an end to despair, a turn for the better.

The second card represents the Querent’s – Desiree’s – obstacles. Could it be that the search for her has been exhausted? Was someone suffering from anxiety? Will Desiree be found in a place that was already searched?


3.       Eight of Swords, reversed. Being released from obligations, overcoming obstacles, finding freedom.

This card points towards what the Querent wants, but is not theirs at present. Desiree was unable to find freedom. I am not sure if this means that she was killed after being kidnapped, or if she was simply unable to leave the place where she was being held, but it means that she was not able to get away. There are some hills and a stream in the card, so she may be close to these geographical landmarks.


4.       Sun, reversed. Partial success, sadness, feeling under the weather, reduced vitality, delayed success or happiness, things are not as rosy as they seem, false impressions.

The fact that the card suggests that ‘things are not as rosy as they seem’ make me think of the Carroll household. The police accused them of having sold or killed Desiree. I do not know why they believed this (they could simply have been rogue cops). This card might refer to the immediate investigation and the officers’ beliefs concerning the family. I do not wish to accuse anyone, but this card is something to keep in mind.


5.       Temperance. Harmony, moderation, blending opposites, angel communication, self-acceptance. Therapists, counsellors, chefs, cooks.

The number that Temperance represents is 14. State Highway 14 goes through Kosse. I think that this might mean that Desiree was taken either northeast or southwest. There is a pond with lilies present in the card, as well as the sun peering out from behind some mountains. Could it be possible that Desiree is somewhere close to a pond with lilies?


6.       Five of Pentacles, reversed. Coming out of a dark period, a turn for the better, finding sanctuary, finding hope, temporary setbacks at work or home.

This might mean that there shall be a break in the case. Could Desiree have gone somewhere relatively pleasant? This might mean that the police were right and she was sold – whether or not her parents took any part in this – to someone who cared for her? They may not have known that she was kidnapped if this is the case. I read something about a child-selling ring in Texas that same year, supposedly connected to missing child Tanya Williams. Could Desiree have also been a victim?


7.       Emperor. Authority, structure, rational thought, responsibility, law and order, asserting yourself, fathers, heads of family, hoteliers, CEOs, financial controllers, department heads.

The seventh card always represents the Querent. This may refer to someone connected to Desiree. The Emperor covers the period between March 21st and April 19th, which includes the date that Desiree was abducted. Maybe this could have been the person who brought Desiree, if she was sold. It may even refer to Desiree herself, but I do not believe this is likely.


8.       Seven of Swords. Feeling ineffectual, pessimism, theft, mental procrastination, falling short of the mark, working beneath your own standards, being underhanded. Researchers, loafers, fairground workers, festival workers, pickpockets, thieves, burglars.

I apologise for the same card being used to signify both fairground workers and thieves. The tents in the background do indicate that Desiree’s environment may connect somehow to a fair or festival. Maybe one is held frequently close by? Or it could represent the people that took Desiree, if not the people she is with at present.


9.       Hanged Man. Letting go, sacrifice for gain, surrender, seeing from another direction, detachment from material.

The ninth card signifies hopes and fears. Perhaps Desiree hopes that she can let go of what has happened to her, or something else connected to her if she is still alive. Maybe she hopes that whoever took her will surrender.


10.   Queen of Pentacles, reversed. Narrow minded, selfish, immoral, wasteful, greedy, insecure, obsessively clean, phobias, a gold digger. A teacher, cook, interior designer, shopper, businesswoman, administrator, jeweller, designer.

The Queen of Pentacles can also refer to a woman with dark hair and eyes, usually over forty years of age. I wonder if this refers to someone involved in Desiree’s kidnapping or selling. Or maybe even Desiree herself. She would be forty as of this reading. It is sad to think that an innocent child may have grown up to be a selfish and cruel person. However, as I said, this may not necessarily have been the case. Whatever happened to Desiree, a selfish woman was involved.

Tarot Spread: Patricia Lynn Taylor


Patricia's case is interesting to me because she may have started off as a runaway, but could easily have become something else. The information below is piled from the Charley Project.

Patricia was born in California. Some time later, due to problems at home, she went to live with relatives in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Six months later, she was taken to Oklahoma and placed in the care of Oklahoma's Department of Human Services (DHS).

Initially she stayed at the Oklahoma Baptist Home for Children's Owasso campus. She was transferred to the Tulsa Girls Group Home in July 1981. Patricia was last seen on August 31, 1981. Authorities classified her as a runaway.

Patricia left behind a large family, including at least five half-siblings. The Oklahoma DHS closed her case when she turned eighteen, but in 2015, after over 30 years without hearing from Patricia, her family asked the police to open a missing persons case for her.

Why did people chose to close missing children's ages when they passed their eighteen birthdays? Or decide to go for years, even decades, without opening up the case again? True, the latter instance may be due to people mistakenly believing that the police would follow procedure or that someone else had reported their loved one missing, but it still baffles me.


1.                   Four of Pentacles, reversed. Greed, isolating yourself, loving your savings or possessions, unstable foundations, feeling insecure.

As Patricia was in foster care when she went missing, this card does not surprise me in the very least. She may have felt angry at the world. Did she lose any important possessions while in foster care?


2.                   Ten of Swords. Ruin, a sudden ending, grief, a negative outcome, falling just before the finish line, being stabbed in the back.

Was Patricia betrayed in some way by the people who were supposed to be looking after her? I am not referring to physical or sexual assault, but rather neglect or lies being told. For once in these readings I think the obstacles card does not connect to an abductor, but the position Patricia found herself in. How miserable was she? Did she really run away, at least at first? Whatever caused her to abscond she was a very unhappy young woman.


3.                   Ten of Cups. Fulfilment, satisfaction, a happy family unit, your dream becoming reality, stability in personal relationships, a move to the country.

This card shows four happy figures, two parents and two children, underneath a rainbow. You do not have to be a psychic to work out that this meant that Patricia wanted to be part of a happy family. From what I have heard she had at least five half-siblings. She was being pushed around from foster home to foster home and although I do not know the reason why, she was clearly miserable. The third card signifies what the Querent – Patricia – wants but is not theirs at present.


4.                   King of Cups, reversed. Petty, spiteful, a weak man, lazy, sometimes violent and possibly abuses alcohol and/or drugs.

I wonder if this man might have been in a position of power at the place Patricia was living in. Could this have been the man that let Patricia down in some way? He is possibly older, most likely over forty at the time.


5.                   High Priestess. Mystery, intuition, emotional stability, things yet to be revealed, a single woman, a chaste woman, information withheld, secrets, not trusting your intuition, being lied to, led astray, immorality. Teachers, mentors, nuns, librarians, spa workers, mediators, educators.

I wondered for a moment if this card represented Patricia. The fifth card symbolises what the Querent is moving away from. However, this could mean the situation in 1981 or even things yet to be revealed that occurred AFTER she was last seen. Those over the age of 14 are usually represented by Pages, but I wonder if this card in fact means Patricia had a secret of some sort. Was she being led astray at outside influences? A ‘B’ and a ‘J’ might come up somewhere.


6.                   Queen of Wands. An energetic and lively woman, creative, self-confident, ambitious and determined, expressive, enjoys socialising.

This card is the complete opposite of what Patricia was going through. This card might refer to embarking on a period of self-discovery or learning to be more daring and bold. Somewhere along the line Patricia learnt to be brave in some capacity. Queens often refer to a woman over the age of eighteen years and when describing people the Wands depict people with red hair and those with Fire Signs (Patricia is a Sagittarius). Could this mean that Patricia lived long enough after she was last seen to become a legal adult? The sixth card represents the future, so is it entirely possible? Anita Drake and Crystal Haag were both teenagers when they disappeared, but were found to have survived for YEARS after they were last seen (Anita was dead by the time she was identified, but had died of cancer after almost thirty years). Patricia may not be dead, although I will speak about this.


7.                   The Devil, reversed. Breaking free from unhealthy relationships, becoming less sexual, freedom from restraints and starting a new life. It might refer to prison guards, interrogators, smugglers or house thieves.

The seventh card might mean that Patricia chose to leave the foster home of her own free will. Something fascinating is that the number associated with this card is 15, the age Patricia was when she was last seen.


8.                   King of Swords, reversed. Dictatorial, domineering, suspicious, a liar, spineless, coward, arrogant, impatient.

However, things were not as rosy as Patricia expected after she left the foster home. This card represents the environment around a person. This might link to a current environment as opposed to a previous one. She may have met someone – most likely a male with grey or fair hair or a light complexion and possibly in his forties or older – who might have taken advantage of her. Due to being in tough living conditions at the foster homes, I do not believe Patricia would have fallen for tricks, but that is my own opinion.


9.                   Fool, reversed. Folly, stupidity, lack of direction, poor judgement, being gullible, naivety, blocks, restrictions.

It seems as if I was wrong. Patricia MIGHT have been taken in by this person’s charm or his lies. Maybe he offered her a lift back to her family. This card can refer to a traveller or a wanderer or even pleasure seekers.


10.                Chariot. Drive, willpower, ambition, victory, confidence, overcoming obstacles, mastering a skill, energy.

From what I have seen in the previous cards, this one may have two different interpretations. The first is that Patricia was able to overcome her misery and begin a new life. The second is that she entered – willing or unwillingly – a physical vehicle, probably driven by the person represented by the King of Swords, which might have sent her towards a tragic end. This does not mean, of course, that she entered a vehicle and was not killed, but considering the dangers of hitchhiking I tend to lean towards darker outcomes when it comes to this activity. There are tall buildings in the background of the card, which makes me think that she might be near a city or somewhere with tall buildings.

There is one more factor that I would like to address and that is if Patricia has sadly passed on, where could she possibly be? Has she been found and is still unidentified?

Some time ago I came across a picture of an unidentified girl whose body was found in Campbell County, Tennessee in 1985. She is suspected to have been a victim of the Redhead Murders (I talked about this at length in Nancy Baird’s reading). She was aged between 9 and 15 when she died, between 1981 and 1985 (remember that the deceased was skeletal and had therefore died some time before discovery, as well as the fact that she was found more than 35 years ago). I believe that the latest reconstruction by the NCMEC resembles Patricia.

If someone out there reading this knows Patricia’s family then I would recommend that you tell them about this unidentified young lady, if they do not know already. It may help to bring some closure.

Tarot Spread: Lauren Maria Pico Jackson

This little girl has been missing for over thirty years and yet there seems to be very little about her online.

The information below is piled from the Charley Project.

Lauren was last seen digging in the dirt with other children near her mother's apartment complex in Spring City, Pennsylvania on October 4, 1988. When her mother, Christina O'Donnell, went to check on her later, she was gone. One of Lauren's playmates said he saw her walking towards her home; she was about 100 feet away from her front door at the time. She has never been heard from again. An extensive search of the area turned up no clues as to her whereabouts.

O'Donnell and the child's father, Michael "Mickey" Jackson, shared custody of her at the time of her disappearance and he lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He had planned to seek full custody of Lauren because he was concerned about the living conditions in her mother's home. Michael described O'Donnell's neighborhood as a haven for drug activity. O'Donnell herself was arrested on drug charges prior to Lauren's disappearance, and she later admitted she had a substance abuse problem.

Tracker dogs traced Lauren's scent away from her mother's apartment, along Park Road to Route 724 and along there to the Vincent Motel, nearly a mile from the apartment complex, before the dogs lost the trail. Due to the lack of evidence in Lauren's case, investigators believe she was most likely abducted. Her case remains unsolved.

I have a personal suspect in mind, although where exactly he was and when seems to be a bit spotty.

Richard William Davis murdered Siobhan McGuinness in 1974. He was only connected to the crime in 2020, six years after he died. He had links to Pennsylvania, but no matter how far I have searched, I cannot work out where. However, he is not the only child murderer with links to Pennsylvania. Lauren might very well have been taken by someone else and could still be alive. We must never give up hope.

1.       The Moon, reversed. Secrets being revealed, deceptions are seen, insomnia and unusual sleeping patterns. Irrational thoughts and behaviours.

Was Lauren or her mother suffering from insomnia when she went missing? The Moon also links to the number 18 and the element of water. Could there be a link to the Schuylkill River?


2.       Knight of Swords. Active, energetic, sudden changes. A soldier, lawyer, negotiator, surgeon, hairdresser or graduate.

This card symbolises Lauren’s obstacles. She was taken from her home suddenly, that is for certain, but perhaps this card might describe her kidnapper. He was most likely over the age of forty, or someone who could be considered a stern leader. He may have been the head of his family or household, if he had one. His hair may be black or dyed. Kings and Queens also tend to mean people who are married.


3.       Queen of Wands. A mother, flirty, dynamic, creative, open-minded or a femme fatale. A businesswoman, counsellor, manager, performer or executive.

A woman might have been involved in Lauren’s disappearance. She could be an energetic and lively woman, or perhaps a tough businesswoman. But whoever she was, this does not sound at all like Lauren’s mother. A cat is featured on the card at the feet of the Queen, with more cats decorated on her throne. Maybe cats are a bit part of this woman’s life, or maybe she is named Cat or Catherine. Something important is that this card represents the best that the Querent – in this case Lauren – can arrive at.


4.       King of Cups, reversed. Petty, spiteful, lacking in commitment, a weak man or philanderer, betrayal, laziness and sometimes violent. A negotiator, veterinarian, doctor, judge or bar owner.

The idea of a veterinarian makes me think again about the possible connection to cats. This card shows a large body of water, but as Lauren was last seen in Pennsylvania, I wonder what this might mean. Perhaps she was taken east or even north to the Great Lakes. The search dogs followed her scent to a motel north of her apartment complex. Her abductor could have been going to, or even lived, close to the Great Lakes. This man might be violent at home, but appear kind to the outside world.


5.       Five of Pentacles. Material loss, worries, setbacks, desolation, feeling isolated, losing your home, financial hardship.

The fifth card represents what the Querent is moving through. Lauren was definitely taken from her home and would have been worried and perhaps even physically isolated. The card depicts two figures walking by a church, oblivious to the fact that warmth and even happiness might be inside. Lauren could have believed that there was no hope for her. This is quite an upsetting card, as the meaning that this particular card illustrates means that I am unsure if this even means if she is dead or alive.


6.       Six of Wands, reversed. Self-doubts, loss of confidence, delayed success, being ostracized.

This card signifies the Querent’s future. Lauren may at present – whether she is dead or alive – have no confidence in herself. The delayed success could refer to the investigation; perhaps there has been a significant clue but it was not followed up on for one reason or another.


7.       Three of Wands, reversed. Loss of direction, lack of ambition, difficulties in business, disarray at work, disorganization.

This card represents Lauren herself. She may feel lost – both physically and emotionally – and this may be the reason why this reading appears to be muddled. This card shows a figure overlooking a stretch of water large enough for boats to sail in. She could be close to some docks, a beach or, as I have suggested, by the Great Lakes.


8.       Knight of Wands. Travel, movement, change of residence, courage, clever, witty, charming. A tour guide, soldier, sportsman, illusionist or electrician.

Now we go onto Lauren’s environment. The idea of travel makes me think again of ships and oceans, but it could just as easily be an airport or a major highway. The Knight of Wands rules the Six of Wands, causing me to think that this card somehow connects to Lauren’s personality. Did she want to travel? Was she a charming sort of child?


9.       Two of Pentacles, reversed. An imbalance between work and home, resisting change, discord, a turn for the worse, incomplete projects, buckling under pressure.

As this card symbolises Lauren’s hopes and fears, I think that she hopes that her abductor – if he is still alive – will buckle under the pressure if he is accused. Resisting change could refer to the situation she is in if she happens to have passed on. This card can also refer to accountants, shift workers, people with multiple jobs, buyers and sellers or market traders. Yet again I see ships on the water behind the figure and I really do think that Lauren is close to a large body of water.


10.   Eight of Wands, reversed. Delays in communication, disruption to plans, stalling or moving slowly, descending into chaos, targets missed.

This card represents the outcome. There shall be some delays and disruptions, which makes me wonder if they will catch Lauren’s kidnapper – again, if he is still alive – but there shall be some delays in finding her or prosecuting him. Perhaps he is dead and the complications therefore refer to finding Lauren.

Tarot Spread: Nancy Baird


This is a case that has been on my mind for some years now. Nancy Baird is suspected of being a victim of Ted Bundy, although I do not think that she was for reasons I will state below. The information below is piled from the Charley Project.

Baird was last seen at the Fina gas station in the 200 block of south Highway 89 in East Layton, Utah on July 4, 1975. She was employed there as a service station attendant. A police officer on patrol saw her working alone there, and at 5:30 p.m., less than fifteen minutes later, she was discovered missing.

There was no evidence of robbery and no indications of a struggle, but about $10 worth of gasoline from the station's pumps had not been paid for. Baird's car was found locked and parked in the station lot where she'd left it, her car keys were left behind, and her purse was inside the station, containing her medication and $167 from a recently cashed check.

At the time of her disappearance, Baird lived near the gas station, her four-year-old son lived with relatives, and her ex-husband lived in Wyoming. It's considered unlikely that she would have left of her own free will. Just before her disappearance, witnesses saw a truck at the station; it was never identified and it's unclear whether it had anything to do with her case. Investigators questioned Baird's her ex-husband and two male friends in her case. All of them had been out of state at the time she disappeared and passed polygraph examinations, so they were cleared of suspicion.

1.       The High Priestess. Mystery, intuition, emotional stability, things yet to be revealed, discovering your own truth, morality.

While the card does include a ‘J’ and a ‘B’, I do not think that Bundy was involved in Nancy’s case, simply because she was taken from a gas station and I do not think he was in Utah that day. The ‘B’ could simply refer to Baird. If this is true then it means that Nancy was an emotionally stable woman. The card might also refer to a single woman and Nancy had divorced her husband.


2.       Ten of Cups, reversed. Discord at home, empty nest syndrome, marital conflict, family problems, a child leaving home. Landscape gardeners, festival organisers, churchgoers, community workers, volunteers.

This card refers to obstacles and I think that these might link to Nancy and her family. Her four-year-old son lived away from her and I truly believe that she was unhappy without him. She is extremely unlikely to have left of her own accord. A river and trees feature in this card.


3.       Six of Cups. Pleasure, sentimentality, happy memories, reminiscing, families and siblings, florists, child minders, teachers.

This could link to Nancy wanting a happy home. But since this card is upright, none of these aspects are in a negative way. She was not living in the past, but this card does not indicate false hope, either. As this may represent what she wanted, there might possibly have been a planned reconciliation with her son and/or husband.


4.       Eight of Wands. Acting quickly, directness, communications, blockages removed, event organizers, postmen, deliverymen and couriers.

Someone – whether Nancy or someone involved in her disappearance – acted quickly. They were direct about what they wanted and communicated easily. This card might point to someone who has red hair and blue or green eyes. Nancy had strawberry-blonde hair, so I wonder if this card refers to someone who caused her to disappear. The ‘deliveryman’ aspect could come from the fact that a truck was seen at the gas station where she worked. There is also a river in the card.

I have wondered for a while now if Nancy Baird was taken by the alleged ‘Redhead Murderer’ who may have been responsible for numerous deaths in the Bible Belt between 1981 and 1985. Although Nancy disappeared several years prior to this spree, I do not think that it is wise to rule her out. The victims all disappeared from different states and this might have been a factor in their delayed identifications.


5.       Four of Swords. Calling a truce, an agreement, synchronicity, taking a break, quiet consideration, tomb, coffin.

This card shows a coffin inside of a tomb or crypt. The figure involved is lying down, but three swords hang above him, showing that he has not completed his task. Since this card shows a coffin, I usually tend to interpret that the subject has passed on. But somehow I am unsure if this is the case, at least in the period after her disappearance.


6.       Five of Swords, reversed. Petty arguments, attention-seeking behaviour, malicious gossip, paranoia, intimidation, manipulation.

Could the ‘malicious gossip’ have referred to allegations that Ted Bundy was involved in Nancy’s disappearance? I would hardly say that it was ‘malicious’, since he did take numerous women from the state of Utah at the time Nancy was last seen, but perhaps this card suggests that we are looking in the wrong direction. The card shows a large body of water, so I wonder if she is still close to Salt Lake. This card may indicate the future, so I wonder if at some point after her abduction Nancy or her abductor became paranoid.


7.       Nine of Cups, reversed. Taking things for granted, wishes denied, dissatisfaction, loss of pleasures, hedonism, overindulgence.

This card signifies the Querent; Nancy herself. Her wishes being denied and feeling dissatisfied with her life might have been a reference to her mental state before she went missing, but it could just as easily mean the time after she disappeared, if she was held for a while. This card can also suggest bar or cocktail workers, people involved in the wine, glass or china trade or collectors.


8.       Six of Wands, reversed. Self-doubt, lack of confidence, delayed success, feeling crushed, feeling ostracized, being out-manoeuvred.

Either Nancy or someone involved in her disappearance might have had a lack of confidence. Being ‘out-manoeuvred’ implies to me that someone prevented Nancy from getting away. This card refers to the environment around Nancy, although whether this is before or after she went missing, I am again uncertain.


9.       Judgement, reversed. Ignoring a calling, doubting yourself, being led by your own fear, a change is coming but has been delayed, avoiding making a decision, judges and magistrates, religious leaders, evangelists, motivational speakers, public speakers.

Could the delay be due to people being so focused on Bundy that they can’t see the forest for the trees? As this card connects to Nancy’s hopes and fears, she might be worried that her name will always be connected with him when this is not the case. Evangelists and religious leaders make me think that she is still in Utah, although this may not necessarily be the case. As this card shows people ascending from a lake, could she be in Salt Lake or another large body of water? Or could some evidence be in water?


10.   Three of Pentacles, reversed. Loss of work, career dissatisfaction, unsatisfactory work, delays to completion. Building surveyors, architects, builders, bricklayers and stonemasons, carpenters, master craftsmen, recruitment consultants.

This card once again makes me think that people are focusing in the wrong place when it comes to where Nancy is or who took her. If things are going the way they are then if she is found it is likely to be by accident. But as to where, this card might provide a few clues. The building in the Three of Pentacles reminds me of a church of another old, stone building. Since there are a limited number of old, stone buildings stateside, perhaps Nancy is close to or inside of a church. The coffin from the Four of Swords makes me think about placing a body inside another person’s coffin. Or Nancy could simply be underneath a building that was under construction in 1975.

This reading is generally fascinating because the first five cards were upright, but the last five were reversed. This could imply that Nancy’s fortunes were reversed and things went downhill for her, or even whoever took her, after she was last seen.