Saturday, 5 June 2021

Tarot Spread: Patricia Lynn Taylor


Patricia's case is interesting to me because she may have started off as a runaway, but could easily have become something else. The information below is piled from the Charley Project.

Patricia was born in California. Some time later, due to problems at home, she went to live with relatives in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Six months later, she was taken to Oklahoma and placed in the care of Oklahoma's Department of Human Services (DHS).

Initially she stayed at the Oklahoma Baptist Home for Children's Owasso campus. She was transferred to the Tulsa Girls Group Home in July 1981. Patricia was last seen on August 31, 1981. Authorities classified her as a runaway.

Patricia left behind a large family, including at least five half-siblings. The Oklahoma DHS closed her case when she turned eighteen, but in 2015, after over 30 years without hearing from Patricia, her family asked the police to open a missing persons case for her.

Why did people chose to close missing children's ages when they passed their eighteen birthdays? Or decide to go for years, even decades, without opening up the case again? True, the latter instance may be due to people mistakenly believing that the police would follow procedure or that someone else had reported their loved one missing, but it still baffles me.


1.                   Four of Pentacles, reversed. Greed, isolating yourself, loving your savings or possessions, unstable foundations, feeling insecure.

As Patricia was in foster care when she went missing, this card does not surprise me in the very least. She may have felt angry at the world. Did she lose any important possessions while in foster care?


2.                   Ten of Swords. Ruin, a sudden ending, grief, a negative outcome, falling just before the finish line, being stabbed in the back.

Was Patricia betrayed in some way by the people who were supposed to be looking after her? I am not referring to physical or sexual assault, but rather neglect or lies being told. For once in these readings I think the obstacles card does not connect to an abductor, but the position Patricia found herself in. How miserable was she? Did she really run away, at least at first? Whatever caused her to abscond she was a very unhappy young woman.


3.                   Ten of Cups. Fulfilment, satisfaction, a happy family unit, your dream becoming reality, stability in personal relationships, a move to the country.

This card shows four happy figures, two parents and two children, underneath a rainbow. You do not have to be a psychic to work out that this meant that Patricia wanted to be part of a happy family. From what I have heard she had at least five half-siblings. She was being pushed around from foster home to foster home and although I do not know the reason why, she was clearly miserable. The third card signifies what the Querent – Patricia – wants but is not theirs at present.


4.                   King of Cups, reversed. Petty, spiteful, a weak man, lazy, sometimes violent and possibly abuses alcohol and/or drugs.

I wonder if this man might have been in a position of power at the place Patricia was living in. Could this have been the man that let Patricia down in some way? He is possibly older, most likely over forty at the time.


5.                   High Priestess. Mystery, intuition, emotional stability, things yet to be revealed, a single woman, a chaste woman, information withheld, secrets, not trusting your intuition, being lied to, led astray, immorality. Teachers, mentors, nuns, librarians, spa workers, mediators, educators.

I wondered for a moment if this card represented Patricia. The fifth card symbolises what the Querent is moving away from. However, this could mean the situation in 1981 or even things yet to be revealed that occurred AFTER she was last seen. Those over the age of 14 are usually represented by Pages, but I wonder if this card in fact means Patricia had a secret of some sort. Was she being led astray at outside influences? A ‘B’ and a ‘J’ might come up somewhere.


6.                   Queen of Wands. An energetic and lively woman, creative, self-confident, ambitious and determined, expressive, enjoys socialising.

This card is the complete opposite of what Patricia was going through. This card might refer to embarking on a period of self-discovery or learning to be more daring and bold. Somewhere along the line Patricia learnt to be brave in some capacity. Queens often refer to a woman over the age of eighteen years and when describing people the Wands depict people with red hair and those with Fire Signs (Patricia is a Sagittarius). Could this mean that Patricia lived long enough after she was last seen to become a legal adult? The sixth card represents the future, so is it entirely possible? Anita Drake and Crystal Haag were both teenagers when they disappeared, but were found to have survived for YEARS after they were last seen (Anita was dead by the time she was identified, but had died of cancer after almost thirty years). Patricia may not be dead, although I will speak about this.


7.                   The Devil, reversed. Breaking free from unhealthy relationships, becoming less sexual, freedom from restraints and starting a new life. It might refer to prison guards, interrogators, smugglers or house thieves.

The seventh card might mean that Patricia chose to leave the foster home of her own free will. Something fascinating is that the number associated with this card is 15, the age Patricia was when she was last seen.


8.                   King of Swords, reversed. Dictatorial, domineering, suspicious, a liar, spineless, coward, arrogant, impatient.

However, things were not as rosy as Patricia expected after she left the foster home. This card represents the environment around a person. This might link to a current environment as opposed to a previous one. She may have met someone – most likely a male with grey or fair hair or a light complexion and possibly in his forties or older – who might have taken advantage of her. Due to being in tough living conditions at the foster homes, I do not believe Patricia would have fallen for tricks, but that is my own opinion.


9.                   Fool, reversed. Folly, stupidity, lack of direction, poor judgement, being gullible, naivety, blocks, restrictions.

It seems as if I was wrong. Patricia MIGHT have been taken in by this person’s charm or his lies. Maybe he offered her a lift back to her family. This card can refer to a traveller or a wanderer or even pleasure seekers.


10.                Chariot. Drive, willpower, ambition, victory, confidence, overcoming obstacles, mastering a skill, energy.

From what I have seen in the previous cards, this one may have two different interpretations. The first is that Patricia was able to overcome her misery and begin a new life. The second is that she entered – willing or unwillingly – a physical vehicle, probably driven by the person represented by the King of Swords, which might have sent her towards a tragic end. This does not mean, of course, that she entered a vehicle and was not killed, but considering the dangers of hitchhiking I tend to lean towards darker outcomes when it comes to this activity. There are tall buildings in the background of the card, which makes me think that she might be near a city or somewhere with tall buildings.

There is one more factor that I would like to address and that is if Patricia has sadly passed on, where could she possibly be? Has she been found and is still unidentified?

Some time ago I came across a picture of an unidentified girl whose body was found in Campbell County, Tennessee in 1985. She is suspected to have been a victim of the Redhead Murders (I talked about this at length in Nancy Baird’s reading). She was aged between 9 and 15 when she died, between 1981 and 1985 (remember that the deceased was skeletal and had therefore died some time before discovery, as well as the fact that she was found more than 35 years ago). I believe that the latest reconstruction by the NCMEC resembles Patricia.

If someone out there reading this knows Patricia’s family then I would recommend that you tell them about this unidentified young lady, if they do not know already. It may help to bring some closure.

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